“A Work of Art.”

Psalm 139:13 For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 

I’ve read this verse numerous times in the past ~~ but never has it struck me as it does today. As I eagerly await the arrival of my first granddaughter, I am beyond utter amazement at the power and majesty of God Almighty.

My daughter and son-in-love have decided to make the state of Georgia their home ~~ to live and dwell and raise their family. I’m thrilled at the thought that they’ve carefully done their homework, researched economics and schools ~~ but I will never rejoice over the distance between us ~~ 2,500 miles to be exact.

The day after we dropped off our daughter at the airport, I ran to the fabric and craft store to seek out a project to occupy my mind ~~ a productive “drug of activity” to numb my pain and avoid crying (can’t see what you’re up to through a wall of tears).

I quickly made my purchase of baby yarn and crochet hook and rushed off to get started. Much to my amazement, I accomplished quite a bit in four short days …….

Yes, this was the result of Lōlie’s (my substituted name for grandma) first endeavor at “busyness” in celebration of baby Zoë.

With each “stitch,” I marveled at our scripture verse ~~ how amazing the love of God is towards us, as He carefully forms us in the womb!  Every chain, every single and double crochet I looped and twirled ~~ I imagined God taking the precious time and conscious thought to who I would become ~~ and I became very humbled.

God intentionally formed me ~~ He put deliberate thought about how I would turn out ~~ and He has a purpose beyond the mere creating of my body.

As I crocheted into my second Zoë project, I continued to thank Him for His careful selection of the various parts He had joined together to create me. While although I may complain about this or that anatomical part of me being somewhat “deficit” or less than hoped for, I must admit that God knew what He was doing long before I was even conscious.  I can’t say that with confidence about my crocheting ability.

It had been over two decades since my last crocheting project for any of my children. In fact, I had to YouTube a tutorial to give me a “jump start” into my former craft; several times I watched that brief clip ~~ over and over and over again. And even then, mistakes still occurred ~~ and that means you have to unravel the yarn stitches and rework (correct the error).

God always gets it right the first time and every time. 

The top photo showcases what my current Zoë project looks like at this very moment. The photo collage reveals the various “stages” of development as I progressed along this journey. The intent is to provide a “garden variety” of colors that would brighten up any spot in the house where baby may be resting. As I worked the pattern, I realized how each square had its own pattern.

Each individual square began to represent to me (in a metaphorical kinda way) the various life experiences that God “knits” into our “tapestry of life.” Some squares look similar, but they are all unique. And yet, they all come together to form one purpose for one individual.

Girlfriend, only God could “knit together” the experiences of your life that would be the perfect pattern and plan of events to benefit you. 

You were specifically formed and carefully placed right where you are for the time that you’re in ~~ and you are a work of art ~~ His Artistry.

There may be unraveled threads ~~ there may be a few loose ends ~~ there may be knots and tangles ~~ nonetheless, you have been Purposed ~~ and there could never be another you (nor a replica to satisfy in your place).

Those “areas that need to be restored” or repaired or reworked ~~ those spots are strictly for the Master Artist ~~ allow Him to restore you and your situations.  

Psalm 139:14 I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 

Yes, fearfully and wonderfully made ~~ without flaw without regret ~~ you bear the signature of The Master Artist.

I love you to Heaven and Back, Girlfriend ~~


T2T Visionary 


  1. Good luck to your daughter and son-in-law on their decision to move to Georgia! My cousin and his family have lived in Athens, GA for over 20 years, after leaving the Philippines and they love it. I applaud for your daughter and son-in-law for making the decision to leave this great state of California for the great state of Georgia, to raise their family as it takes a lot of courage. My husband and I are also planning to move to the southeast in a few years as well. I applaud you as a parent to be happy for them and encouraging with their decision.
    Check out this study done by pewresearch about How Religious is Your State? California is #35, Georgia is #8. 🙂


    1. Messhallmommy ~~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! It has definitely been a challenge (to say the very least), but I’m “growing” through it. I know that the southeast chooses to embrace Biblical truths much more readily than us along the southwestern coast ~~ and for THAT, they have my vote✔️.
      I guess I’ll be racking up frequent flyer miles in the years to come!


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