Testimony Thursday by Guest Writer: Sharon Lopez-Hidalgo

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NIV

As I have walked with the Lord over the years, there are three distinct times that have stood out in my life where I felt the Lord was shouting to me, “DO YOU TRUST ME?” as my faith, trust and emotions were getting the best of me and He needed to get my attention.

My children were little and we were in the process of applying to a private Christian school that was impacted, and had a very long waiting list. Just because my son was accepted, there was no guarantee that my daughter would be. We filled out her application and we prayed and prayed. As we waited and my anxiety levels went up, I thought maybe I should write a letter to the acceptance board, maybe I should speak with the principal, maybe I should do this or that to help my daughter in the door. Each time I started to write or call, I could hear the Lord, “DO YOU TRUST ME? DO YOU TRUST ME?” I would put the pen or the phone down and remind myself, “Yes Lord, I DO TRUST YOU!” The day the acceptance letters were to arrive in the mail, we did not receive anything. The next day nothing. Finally, I could not take it and went to the school office, they all smiled and told me, “…well, of course Sara got in!” I stood there crying and praising the Lord for His faithfulness.

It was a few years later, and what I call the Perfect Storm took place in my life. I was going through “the change”, my baby girl was graduating from high school and off to college in Florida, (my son, Sam, was already in Texas and might I add, I was not happy about that at all). They were supposed to stay close to home. Then my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. If just one of these events were happening it would be hard, but all of them … at the same time!

I was more than a hot mess! I would spend hours crying out to the Lord, “I can’t do this. This is way too much. What are You thinking?” So, I would do my Spiritual Exercises as I called them, I would sit or imagine the Bible in front of me. Going book by book starting in Genesis, reminding myself of His faithfulness to each person and through each circumstance that was written in His Word. The love, strength and faithfulness He gave each person in the Bible, I have the same access to Him and His throne room.  

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV

The Lord was so faithful to wipe away every tear and carry me, giving me strength I could never imagine, and help not to just survive, but build my trust and grow so much stronger in my walk with Him.

sharon lopez-hidalgo

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-3 NIV

Fast forward to our present day Covid-19 situation! In the beginning stages, everything was new and there were so many questions: quarantine or not, mask or not? When is the vaccine getting here? Not soon enough. So much information coming in and you just did not know exactly who or what to believe.

Then sending off my Rock Star Emergency Room RN, Sara, into the Covid frontline. And of course, there go my emotions again, crying out to the Lord! “Lord what’s going on? How can this all be? Who is telling us the truth? Lord I need the truth!”

In His ever so loving way, He once again met me right where I am.

I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. John 14:6 NIV

The Lord continued to reassure me through His Word. Keep your eyes on Me. It’s not going to be easy.

I will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

As I live through this part of the story, I am in awe over how He has met me at every turn. The dear, sweet Sisters that He has brought into my life to encourage me, pray for me and help me through this season has been amazing! Seeking Him. Drawing closer to Him. Putting my TRUST and FAITH in Him! For it is Him and Him alone that gets me through every moment of every day!

Sharon Lopez-Hidalgo has been married to Art, her high school sweetheart for 34 years. They have two adult children and a daughter-in-love and are expecting the arrival of their first grandchild in April. Sharon and her family have been blessed with the opportunity to visit amazing places and participate in various ministries, including missions trips to Panama and Nicaragua, Women’s Ministry, Widows Ministry and Armor of Light (Reaching out to the Marines, wives and their families at Camp Pendleton and Quantico.) Her passion is to be used by the Lord to share His love and His Word.

We thank you, Sharon, for sharing your heart and your Testimony of GOD’s love and grace in your life. Your contribution to Testimony Thursday this month is well appreciated!

You are loved to Heaven and Back, Sharon ~~

LindaRJohnson, TitusTwo Visionary


  1. What an uplifting testimony of faith and trust towards our Heavenly Father! Time and time again, she went through trials but never doubted that God will always take care and answer her prayers. God is so good and so faithful…God answers and acknowledges our prayers. Sharon always consulted and went to the father for directions and He heard and answered her. If God is for us, then who can be against us?

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    1. @bloom224 AMEN!!!

      I feel like it is a good thing to remember what God has done in the past to help us in our present situation.
      Just like it says in Deuteronomy 6:7, You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall speak of them with you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
      It’s an encouragement to our children and to ourselves.

      Have a wonderful and blessed day!!

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  2. Thank you so much, Sharon, for sharing your VERY relatable experiences and struggles with trusting in God! I have so often experienced your “DO YOU TRUST ME?” “”YES, I trust You!” moments ~ they are quite familiar to me as I have struggled with trusting Him, and He continues to work with me because He is a loving God. Bless you, Sharon.

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    1. So grateful to hear that I am not alone in my struggles and the Lord is so faithful with each of His children, and we get stronger and stronger with each trial as we see Him working in our lives.
      Love to hear the stories of what the Lord is doing in others lives to help me in my walk with Him.
      Blessings my dear sister!

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  3. This is a touching way to show how big our God is and the power of prayer. Sharon your story is so easy to relate to because I have been there. I have needed to stop and wait on the Lord even when it’s hard. Thank you for sharing your faith and trust on the Lord.

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    1. It’s so beautiful when the Creator of the universe takes time to hear, answer and love on His children! Cannot glorify Him enough for all that He does in our lives on a daily basis!! Love and blessings!!!

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  4. This. ❤️
    I love how Sharon is always so quick to direct the struggling towards Jesus. Always proclaiming His faithfulness, even when it hurts❤️ So thankful for Sharon and her willingness to share

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    1. I’m sure you feel like myself, there is no way I could get through life without the Lord helping me each step of the way! I know life is hard sometimes, but oh how amazing the growth in our walks and drawing closer to our Lord and Savior!
      Blessings to you my precious sister!

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  5. Sharon, what a wonderful & inspirational testimony you have so beautifully shared! Thank you so much!! Time and time and time again, our Father GOD called out to you to trust Him & you did just that and in your faithfulness to Him … He remained ever faithful to you & your family! What an awesome GOD we love & serve! May He continue to bless you & yours 🙏🏻❤️

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    1. Thank you so much Kathy! I feel like it is so important in our walk with the Lord to take the time to remember His faithfulness, strength and love that He has poured out on us. It’s touches our souls and encourages us to walk closer to Him. Love praising and glorifying the Lord for all that He has done in my life!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


  6. Remembering what God has done in the past and seeing Him work in others life gives hope on any given day. He is faithful and always present. Thank you Sharon for your willingness to share. May the Lord bless you beyond measure. Love and prayers always!

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    1. Evelyne, so thankful to be able to be able to do life together and lift each other up to our Heavenly Father! Blessings to you too! Love you! ❤️


  7. Thank you Sharon for sharing your testimony. It’s a great reminder that I need to rely and trust god all the way. Sometimes I feel God is not listening, but God always has a plan as I may not it understand it now. I love theses two verses John 14:6 and Deuteronomy 31:16. Thank you again.

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    1. Maria so bless how the Lord touched your heart. Sometimes I feel like I have to remind myself again and again how faithful the Lord is…my spiritual exercises. As we get stronger and stronger, we see can see how much more He loves us and is watching over us and helping us in our lives.
      Have a wonderful and blessed day,

      Liked by 1 person

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